Monday, February 11, 2008

Peas Peas Peas

So, I finally got this video up. This is from a few weeks ago and it was so cute.

Patrick has a little cold and wasn't feeling so well Saturday but he's a bit better now but he's still pretty phlegmy and hasn't been able to cough or sneeze much up and out. Hopefully soon.

We sold our brown couch on craigslist after finding a new couch and chair on craigslist.

Bye Bye!

Hello! Thanks Mr. Model Baby Patrick!

Love that site. We've been trying to move furniture around and get rid of the extra "stuff" around the house. It's slow going but we'll get there.

We are thinking that sometime later this year we might get some chickens. I know you're thinking that we're crazy but I think it'd be so cool to have some pet chickens to get some backyard farm fresh eggs. Sean found this rad site that makes it almost too easy to not make happen. You should all check it out and get your own backyard chickens. Omelet is the company name. You will flip at what they've created for us cityfolk.

What else has been going on...we went to the Hissyfits Children's Resale Shop Craft fair and got a neat jingle ball called zadyball that a local mom made, she's working on getting a patent and go craft fair mom!

I was excited to go to the craft fair since I've been preparing myself to try my hand at sewing. I know, I normally don't really consider myself a crafter (and I haven't even started yet) but I have this great sewing machine that I got a few Christmases ago and I want to put it to use. Plus, I need a hobby that will keep me at home and not tempted to shop or spend gobs of money. So, I thought sewing would be a new challenge and something that I could do. Little did I know that there is this whole new world of cool kid crafters that are 20-30something. Amy Butler is one of those who are helping the movement. I will be posing pictures once I make something. I have all my supplies and most of the notions (that's what they're called, notions), I just need to clean up a bit around the house, build my workspace and figure out all the library books I picked up. Right now I plan to start on a baby bib from the book "Bending the Rules."

Wow this was a long blog. Well, Patrick is taking longer naps now that he's sick. However, he's only wanting to take his morning nap...and...that' So, afternoons are a bit long. :) I will write more later. Toodles.

1 comment:

cyndy said...

what a great "notion" you've got! There's a huge market for quilted/craft bags - the "vera" somebody or other from San Francisco come to mind.

Glad the couch sold!

love, cyndy