Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hugs and boogers and stuff

Patrick has been hugging everyone in sight. I think he learned this from preschool where at the end of class, everybody can give/get hugs if they so choose. Well, he chooses and with everyone. All the moms/nannys and most of the teachers get one. I usually get two if I have helped in the class that day.

He is also (mostly) very polite about things in general. He loves to say please and thank you and even will hand you his boogers instead of eat them (most of the time). He stretches his arm out and sings "I have a booger for you." Might not sound so, but it's adorable.

He's just started asking a few days ago about what words say. He put some of his fridge letters together to spell "UZP" and asked what that spelled. I told him and then rearranged the letters to show him "PUZ" and "ZUP." Of course, I don't think those are real words, so I might not be teaching him much. He asks what words are on billboards, the tv and books. He is very proud to know how to say the title of one of his favorite movies "ET." He knows that one pretty well.

We've been eating through our advent calendars and we practice counting. I don't suppose he knows what the numbers mean really but he's memorized up to 25...and even higher...we count to sixty every night before bed. I made up this game after he wanted to cuddle before being set down for the night for what seemed like forever. I decided to count to sixty (slowly) to give us some cuddle time

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