Thursday, February 18, 2010

Chit Chat

We were eating tuna "samiches" for lunch after preschool (where I helped today) and Patrick leans on my shoulder and asks "so, what'd you do today?" Just like we were old buddies catching up. I told him I helped the other daddies and teachers clean up for snack time and I helped his friend Charlie practice with scissors. "Oh, yeah?" he replied. I know it sounds silly but it made me feel good that he was asking about my day and he seemed interested. I love it!! He's going to be a great conversationalist.


CamilleJohnFam said...

That's awesome! What a great little buddy! Rachel is like that too! It's hilarious to hear things coming out of the mouth of babes! Have you been relishing the olympics like we have here?

Jennifer Woods said...

They're so cute! We've watched some of the Olympics but not as much as I would like. Patrick is not into the sports as much as I'd hoped. I think I hyped up the opening ceremonies too much and then we sat and fast forwarded for too long waiting for the performances to start. He does want to ice skate though!