I'm happy to report that Patrick is completely and totally normal and average. Really, he is in the 50th percentile for height, weight and head measurement. The numbers are as follows:
Weight: 14lb 4 oz
Length: 24 3/4"
Head Circumference: 16 1/2"
We're still waiting for him to turn over from his front to back but I'm sure that'll happen any day now. He was a champ with the shots but he always cries right after it happens to the point where his whole head turns red and he's blown all the air out of his belly. But he calmed down quickly and was in a good mood for the rest of the day, yay!
The doc said that he's able to start other foods sometime in the next 2 months (like rice cereal and whirred peas). I think he's not quite ready yet but maybe for xmas dinner!
Check out this video I did on my camera that I posted on youtube:
It's of Patrick blowing his tongue at me while we were waiting for the doctor.
Sweet Potatoes are a good veggie one too because they are sweet. It took Kai quite awhile to warn up to the peas from what I remember. :)
he finally turned over today. he gets his arm stuck usually but when i rolled him over, he just rolled all the way back...the key was that his arm was still under his belly a bit. i'm sure he'll get better.
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