Tuesday, December 4, 2007

He's rolling the other way now

He's just rolling all over the place. Just when he's figured out rolling from front to back, he just up and goes the other way. I bet he'll be crawling and running here any day. It's amazing how one day they didn't do something and then all of the sudden it's in their lives and they want to do it all the time. He's reaching out for everything and learning about cause and effect. For example, if baby throws something on the floor, mommy will pick it up for him :). He's just so cute and making lots of new noises and is all around having fun.

We're getting ready for Christmas and have put up a wreath and will probably be picking up our tree on Sunday. Has anyone else put up their holiday decor?


Kim said...

I put up a wreath and my Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus heads today. Maybe outdoor lights tomorrow.

Ashleigh said...

What a fun Christmas this is going to be for your whole family. Little kids make it soooo much more fun.