Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Christmas/New Year's/6 mo check up Update

Here are some cute photos from Christmas Eve dinner at Grandma Jo's house. We had some yummy ham and sweet potatoes and good family times. Patrick wore his Santa hat to be festive. As you can see, he loves to grab daddy's hair.

I need to take more pictures so that we can post more pictures. What you've all missed lately is the hit and run that Patrick and I had Dec. 21st, we're okay but the driver door of my trailblazer was bashed in. So, we've been crusing North Central Phoenix in a silvery-greeny Chrysler something or other. It's a nice rental car. My car should be ready by Jan 11th (fingers crossed). Oh and New Years came and went while we were visiting the sandman. I did tivo Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve so that I could celebrate the New Year with my sparkling cider and morning waffles the next day.

What else, oh, we went to Tucson this last weekend to visit my family some more and see Nana and the Manley's (where we got married). Nana is good and the Eegee flavor this month is Blueberry (not my fave...sorta tastes like blue dirt). Can't wait for the Peach 'n' berry each year. I should check to see when that is and plan a trip. You can check too: www.eegees.com.

Patrick also had his 6 month check up Jan 2nd. and he's in the 75th percentile for height, 70th for head and 25th for weight. He's still eating all the time so maybe he'll fatten up later. :) Oh, and my moles I had dug out of each arm came back from the pathologist with a clean bill. Yay! Guess that's it for now. Time to take today's shower. And what time is it....? 9:36 pm. Ha! I'm definitely a mommy now. Showers are sometimes hard to come by. :)
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1 comment:

Robin said...

Hi Woods Fam!
Happy New Year...cute photos. Happy to hear everything is good out there. Definitely agree on the blue eegee...ick. I could totally go for an Italian grinder & some ranch fries about now though :)
Or a sandwich from that cute place with the good cookies...what was it called? Ah, college...