Monday, February 23, 2009

Raindrops on roses...

In light of all the facebook surveys like the 25 things, here are Patrick's favorite things:

Favorite movie: Winnie the Pooh (the first one)

Favorite food: Strawberries

Favorite colors: Pink, Yellow and sometimes Purple

New words: Everything we say...he now says: fall down, smooth, I know, outside, my ____, ...

Favorite Numbers: 2, 6, 8, 10 - those are the numbers he counts along with

Favorite: Letters: A, B, C, H, O, P, Q, S, X

Songs: The "Me" song and the "Ba ba ba" song from his Music Together Class.

Favorite thing to do: Outside/Dirt

Favorite book: Dora's A day at the beach - he picked it out from the library

1 comment:

Sean Woods said...

don't forget "MOOF" for moonroof :)