Friday, March 28, 2008

New 'dos

Patrick and I just got haircuts - his first haircut. On Easter Sunday, I finally cut the stray 15 hairs or so he had on the top of the back of his head. They were from his original head of hair - the ones that didn't fall out. They were also about twice as long as his hair now and it did look a little funny - or a lot funny. So, I cut them to the best of my ability, hoping they'd blend in to the rest of his hair. I don't know if I can avoid the funny hair altogether because the hair curls backward at the tips. See below:

Then I desperately was in need of a cut myself and I told Marisa of Industry 12 to just make it look cool. So, this is it. What do you think? I like it! I haven't had bangs this short since I was 12.
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Jennifer Woods said...

Just in case you're wondering I don't have pink eye, it's just allergies! :)

Ashleigh said...

Ooohhh I like it! I am in desperate need of a haircut and overall hair change. I always chicken out though. I like the bangs.

Kim said...

It was alot of fun!