Thursday, May 22, 2008

I can't believe today's weather...

So, for those of you who aren't in Phoenix, earlier this week it was, like, 110 degrees. Today it's overcast and cold and rainy and it's 65 degrees. That just insane and very welcome weather.

We did our Thursday walk today with Beth and Wes in our newest Craigslist find. A Valco stroller that's a few years old but sure doesn't look a few years old. We're very happy with it and have taken walks every day since we got it on Saturday.

Patrick got to go to his first baseball game (also on Saturday). I couldn't tell you who played since we were in line a lot or cruising around the shaded walkway avoiding the sun but we had fun nevertheless. Here's a picture just outside the ballpark.

Patrick has just been talking up a storm and really really likes to practice standing. He was able to pull himself up almost 2 months ago on this wooden crate we have but he's not done that so much since. He likes to do things once and then not do them again for a while, it's so funny :). He does, however, really like getting to hold onto our thumbs as he pulls himself up on the floor. He's practicing moving from thumbs to furniture and back. It's so cute!

We celebrated cousin Emily's birthday a few weeks ago. She was adorable in all her princess dress up clothes.

I'm looking through my pictures this month and I have to post this one. It's a little baby/toddler chair that is in the inside of the bathroom of a Babies R Us. Just as I was walking in with Patrick I was thinking, "shoot, I don't have anywhere to put Patrick." And just like magic, here's this funky weird chair. So, of course I used it and was very thankful to have it there.
That's all I have for now, as usual, my posts come in waves, so look for more soon!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Today it is very windy and cool in Tucson. Those bathroom chairs are great!