Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Swimming and Balloons and Blueberries, Oh My

Sean reminded me that I haven't posted for a little while. So, here is out latest update.
We started swimming lessons through the City of Phoenix at the Sunnyslope High School swimming pool. It's eight classes for a 2 week period. So far, it's been more just swimming and getting used to the water than lessons but Patrick really likes the water. He is able to blow bubbles underwater and we practice kicking and floating and he just loves it (well, maybe not the floating part yet).

The picture below is from another swim day, it's of Patrick full of sunscreen at Aunt Katy's house. I think I went a little overboard and made a little ghost baby. I didn't know how to cover his scalp knowing he might not keep his hat on. So, I covered his head and made him have greasy head for a few days, but at least he didn't get sunburned. There are more pictures on our web album.

We had a lot of fun swimming in Katy's pool with Patrick's cousins. Despite the fact that this picture looks really refreshing (and it was), it was ridiculously hot out and if you didn't have a hat, you felt like your face was melting. But the melting didn't last too long as long as you splashed some water on your face."Boon boon" is what Patrick calls balloons. If you recall, I posted a cute video of Patrick with his first balloon from Trader Joe's. At the time, he wasn't sitting up that well yet. Now that that is not a problem, it is a balloon graveyard in our house. Every time we go to the grocery store, we have to get a balloon or Patrick is not happy. Thank goodness Safeway and Trader Joe's offer free balloons. The balloon in this picture below is from our fun Father's Day in Tucson. Grandpa got Patrick a Burt of Sesame Street's Burt and Ernie. I'm happy to report that the Burt balloon is still alive and in our living room. What a great find!! Thanks Grandpa!

The following weekend on June 21st, I turned 30. Wow, I can't believe I'm 30 now. I don't feel older but I feel like I need to act older or something. Like I need to practice speaking in a deeper voice. We had a great day and did lots of fun things. Sean had suggested that we do 30 fun things for my 30th birthday. I am proud to say that we got them all done. Some of the items included seeing the summer solstice light show/lecture at the Burton Barr library (see picture below).
And going to Pane Bianco for lunch. Here's Patrick flirting with the cute girls who work there. Sean had the best sandwich he thinks he's ever had. It was a prosciutto, mozzarella and basil sandwich. MMMMmmmmm.Other things on my list included: not doing dishes, not taking the garbage out and the like. Hey, it's hard to get 30 things done on a list...but we did it. Other highlights were going to Lee Lee Oriental Market for some banana leaves and shelf sight seeing. This place is great! We needed the banana leaves for a recipe that I'm making this weekend for our luau party. We also swam in our pool and Sean and I watched the mid-season finale episode of Battlestar Galactica. It was a great day!

We also ate Patrick's new favorite food: blueberries. He gets excited just looking at them. So, thank goodness it's blueberry season. He's also started crawling more. He's into the drag-leg crawl. It's pretty funny but he just like the option that he can just lean back and sit at any second.

I've also found my new favorite kid show. Patrick really isn't into TV but when I desperately need a little time to get dinner ready, I look for The Backyardigans. They have great music and a cute theme song. I am actually having trouble getting it out of my head but that's okay for now. I've been looking for more great summer music and I downloaded the new Verve remixed CD. It's the fourth CD now in this series and it's just great. One of the faves: Gimmie Some.

Any other great summer music picks?


Ashleigh said...

Happy Birthday Jen! Sorry I am a few days slow. I'll send you an email to tell you what I was up to on your big day. In other news have you used that baby spray sunblock yet (they make adult ones too). I find it helpful for body and head. You can get the kind that really comes out like a hairspray or bugspray kind of spray. Brilliant I tell you!

Kim said...

I think Patrick needs the baby spray sunblock. He looks so funny with his creamy greasy sunblock. Atleast you really know he has it on for the day. Cute pictures!