Sunday, July 20, 2008

Parties Parties Parties

We're having a great summer so far doing a lot of swimming in the pool and hanging out with friends and family. I've drifted a bit from my usual blog schedule but we've needed time to clean up and get ready for the next fun event. Below is a picture from the weekend after the big birthday party.

I had forgotten to break out the pinata at the birthday party so when we had some friends and family over for the 4th, we had to use it then. I think the final blow came after cousin Ryan and our little friend Preston had taken so many turns whacking that thing that it just couldn't hold all the Laffy Taffy and Nerds that had been in there for a week!

I think we were at Pick up Stix when I took this picture. Patrick was really into sticking his tongue out. Nowadays it's sticking his finger up his nose, and sometimes one finger in each nostril at the same time. Nice!

This is at the Children's Museum of Phoenix. This just opened and so far it's a blast. We're glad that our friends also got annual passes because we might just move in. These are giant bean bags that Patrick is trying to climb over. He really enjoyed it!
This was in the car after from being at the Children's Museum for a few hours, he was laughing all the way home!

Yesterday we had a great time with Sean's whole family over here to celebrate his Mom's husband's daughter's graduation. We ate great food, played in the pool and had a super fabulous time. Thanks for everyone's help making it a great day. Congratulations Sheryl!!
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