Saturday, October 11, 2008

Patrick Stat Updates and a Tomato hornworm that looks like a dog

So, I found this freaky thing on my eggplant plant last week. Yuck. It had eated all but a small amount of the leaves off the plant. Funny, it's called a tomato hornworm but it was on my eggplant. I guess it was headed to the tomato next. I took a picture before it went to bug heaven.

Patrick had his 15 month check up this last week. He's doing very well.

Weight: 22 lb 13 oz (25%)
Length: 31 3/4" (70%)
Head: 19 1/4" (85%)

He's just about to walk. He's been standing on his own and just today he is standing and taking a few steps to the couch. Oh boy! We did get him some real outdoor shoes last week at Stride Rite. He's a 6 M. They are really cute there and take a picture for you for your "first shoe experience."

He's saying more and more everyday. He likes to say "I did it" even when you accomplish something wonderful. He also claps at the end of songs he likes. He dances a lot. He likes to roll around on the floor. He can do the "so big" arm up in the air game. He likes to throw his hands up in the air while on his knees and then growl and flop on the ground.

We missed the Music Together class this week since I got a relapse of the cold. I was in bed whenever Patrick was in bed all day Monday. I have been sick for 2 weeks now and I'm just tired of it now. Please go away cold. Pretty please.

I'm trying to get the nerve to cut Patrick's hair myself. I'm determined to do it for some reason. I really like feeling resourceful nowadays and I think it can't be that hard. I'm trying to decide whether to use the long setting on Sean's buzz cutters or the old fashioned blunt scissors and comb. There are a lot of "how to" videos on You Tube that I have been watching. I hope I get the courage soon and it turns out okay.

I have signed up for my online driving school. While on the way to San Diego for the second trip last month, I got a speeding ticket in Wellton. Look out San Diego vacation travelers. I'm able to take the 5 1/2 hr class online but you have to go to a place to take the test. I'm able to do that at the Kinkos on Camelback. So that makes it pretty easy. Not happy about having to do all this though. Should've done cruise control.

I noticed that my kitchen is sort of starting to smell like Nana's kitchen - probably just for this weekend. It has the faint smells of bacon, coffee, cake and roasted meat. I would like to say that it is because I have been cooking such wonderful food. But I can only take credit for the bacon - and only turkey bacon not real bacon. Sean and I have been feeling yucky again today and have done mostly pick up food. Boston Market rounded out the Nana smells and I like it. I just wish I had a colorful cut glass dish of Almond Roca or mini Snickers out in the hallway...then it'd be perfect.
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