Sunday, November 30, 2008

Big Thanksgiving Weekend

We started out the weekend in Tucson with my family. Dinner was so great! We had the usual turkey, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, green beans, stuffing with sausage and celery, pumpkin pie and pecan pie. Yum! We had dinner with the folks above and both my grandmothers, Nana and Grandma Jo. Patrick had a lot of fun but he was not feeling so well. :( He hadn't been sleeping at night (hardly at all!) due to teething. So, we had fun during the day and then a marathon of trying to sleep at night.

We mustered enough energy to go to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum on Friday. Patrick really enjoyed touching the ground squirrel through the plexiglass. We also got to see an otter, a beaver, some scorpions and snakes. Usual desert stuff. It's a great museum that is sort of like a zoo and botanical gardens mixed together with a bit of history thrown in for fun. It got a bit chilly and Patrick was "all done" after about 2 hours. He used his hand signs to tell us he was ready by shaking his right hand left and right.

Then Saturday we packed up and drove up to Mt. Lemmon to check out the snow. This was Patrick's first time seeing snow. We hadn't planned on going up there so we dressed Patrick in 2 shirts, a fleece jacket and his fleece/nylon vest. I think he was warm enough, especially since we had brought some hot chocolate with us in a really old looking thermos. How old is that thermos, Mom?

As usual, we have all the pictures loaded on our web album. So, go here and scroll down to the bottom if you want to see all that snow and a few more pictures.

We headed home once we got home from Mt. Lemmon at chowing down on the Burrito Bandito at Paco's Tacos. They serve a chile relleno in a burrito stuffed with beans rice and enchilada sauce. It's wonderful but I did have heartburn later that night. :(

We raced home to get ready to visit with Sean's friend Jerry from elementary school. He had brought his girlfriend Christina home to meet the family. It was really fun to see them. I made tomato soup and grilled cheese. Not too fancy but I think we all liked it after all the heavy eating this weekend.

Then earlier this afternoon we headed over to Sean's sister Katy's house to visit with the whole family. We'd gotten together to celebrate cousin Ryan's 4th birthday. Happy Birthday Ryan.

Here we are above. Back row: Uncle Jim, Grandma GG, Aunt Vicki, Nana Cyndy, Uncle Connor's girlfriend Abby, Me. Front Row: Uncle Todd, Cousin Ryan (Birthday Boy!), Cousin Emily, Aunt Katy, Cousin Jacob, Uncle Connor, Dada/Sean, Patrick, Shooter the dog.

Ryan got lots of loot and we had a great cake and lots of fun.

Thanks and love to all the families for such a great weekend!!!


Anonymous said...

and it was GREAT fun!

love, nana

Kim said...

We all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I think Cleve has had that thermos since he worked on the Southern Pacific Railroad. That's a long time ago.