Friday, April 4, 2008

He's finally discovered my moles

Patrick's friend Will used to try to pick off the mole (excuse me - "beauty mark") off my face when he was about 1 1/2 - 2 yrs old (he's turning 3 in May, wow, time flies). I figured it was just a matter of time that Patrick would try to "pick up/off" of Mommy's moles.

If you know me, I have several...everywhere. I have two, right at the crook of my shoulder and chest (just on the outside of my armpit) and Patrick spent about two minutes trying to scratch them off my skin yesterday. I tried to explain to him that I have lots and they are just a part of my skin. I don't think he understands it yet since he has such smooth, mole-free skin. He probably will not get it for a while. I just hope he doesn't change my name from Mama to Mole like Will did for a while :). Don't worry Will, I thought it was so cute!

1 comment:

Kim said...

That is so funny!