Wednesday, April 2, 2008

9 mo check up notes

We went to the doctor Monday for Patrick's 9 month check up. All is well with him. He cried a little bit more than usual when Dr. Padrez (nicely) pokes and shines lights places. I think it has to do with separation anxiety. He was a champ though. Here are his newest measurements:

Weight: 17lb 8oz - (8% - Dr. says this is normal around this age, to dip a bit lower than his usual 25-50%)
Height: 28" long (40%)
Head circumference: 18.25" (80% - WOW! He's gonna be smart)

He's eating more yummy foods. He's into broccoli (well, it needs a tiny bit of cheese and breadcrumbs) and still loves his apples. We've been making this apple omelet with shredded apple, cinnamon and egg yolks in butter (sounds weird but it's actually very good).

He's started bouncing up and down while in the sitting position to show he's happy or just to have fun. He's still teething too and will get new teeth (again!) pretty soon probably. Crawling might not happen. I have been doing research and as long as the baby can get places (either by scooting on their behinds, pulling with their arms or rolling - that's what Patrick does - then they should be fine). He's trying a little bit to pull himself up - mainly when he's in the bathtub ducky. So, we'll probably have a walker in a few months. Yikes! :)

The flowers are sooo pretty right now. Here is another picture. This is from our front porch area.

1 comment:

cyndy said...

sigh....Sean didn't walk until 15 months. He cruised, he pulled up, he walked with his dad and my hands, but no crawl.

Good thing at 15 months he walked, as Katy was born one month later!